울산대학교 | CNElab


Peer-reviewed Publications

▶ S. Kang, J. Woo, K. M. Lee, H. Y. Seol, S. H. Hong, I. J. Moon. "Feasibility of objective approach using acoustic change complex for evaluating spectral resolution in individuals with normal hearing and hearing loss", J. Integrative Neuroscience, in press

▶ L.T. Trang, L. D. A. Quan, H. Joo, D. Kim, J. Woo, "Differences in spatiotemporal dynamics for processing specific semantic categories: An EEG study", Scientific Reports, 14 (31918), 1-13, 2024

▶ J. Lee, H. S. Joo, J. Woo, "Improved remote photoplethysmography using machine learning based filter bank", Applied Sciences,14(23),11107, 2024 

J. Han, S. Kang, J. Moon, K. M. Lee, J. Woo. "Variation of heart rate during listening to music", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, 43(5), 536-546. doi:10.7776/ASK.2024.43.5.536, 2024

▶ I. Choi, P. Gander, J. Berger, J. Woo, M. Choy, J. Hong, S. Colby, B. McMurray, T. Griffiths, "Spectral grouping of electrically encoded sound predicts speech-in-noise performance in cochlear implantees", J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., 24(6), 607-617, 2023

▶ H. S. Joo, L. D. Quan, L. T. Trang, D. Kim, J. Woo, "Group-level Interpretation of Electroencephalography Signals Using Compact Convolutional Neural Networks", IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/access.2023.3325283, 2023

▶ L. D. Quan, L. T. Trang, H. S. Joo, D. Kim, J. Woo, "A novel computationally efficient approach for exploring neural entrainment to continuous speech stimuli incorporating cross-correlation", Applied Sciences, 13, 9839,  https://doi.org/10.3390/app13179839, 2023

▶ J. Berger, P. Gander, S. Kim, A. Schwalje, Y. Na, J. Woo, A. Holmes, J. Hong, C. Dunn, M. Hansen, B. Gantz, B. McMurray, T. Griffiths, I. Choi, " Neural correlates of individual differences in speech-in-noise performance in a large cohort of cochlear implant users", Ear and Hearing, 44(5), 1107-1120, 2023 

▶ M. Jeon and J. Woo, "Effect of speech-stimulus degradation on phoneme-related potential", PLoS ONE 18(6): e0287584, 2023

▶ H. Shim, S. Kim, J. Hong, Y. Na, J. Woo, M. Hansen, B. Gantz, I. Choi, "Differences in neural encoding of speech in noise between cochlear implant users with and without preserved acoustic hearing", Hearing Research,427, 2023

▶ Y. Na, H. S. Joo, L. T. Trang, L. D. Quan, J. Woo, "Objective speech intelligibility prediction using a deep learning model with continuous speech-evoked cortical auditory responses", Frontiers in Neuroscience,16, doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2022.906616, 2022.

▶ L. T. Trang, Y. Na, I. Y. Choi, J. Woo, "Revealing Differential Importance of Word Categories in Spoken Sentence Comprehension using Phoneme-related Representation", J. Integrative Neuroscience, 22(1), 029, 2022

▶ H. S. Joo, M. Woo, J. Woo, "Development of a Shooting Training System using an Accelerometer." J. the Korea Convergence Society, 12:7, 263-271, 2021.

▶ Y. Na, H. Yang, J. Woo, "Classification of the Korean Sign Language Alphabet Using an Accelerometer with a Support Vector Machine." J. Sensors, vol. 2021, 10p, 2021.

▶ H. S. Joo, J. Woo, "Development of a Squat Angle Measurement System using an Inertial Sensor." J. the Korea Convergence Society, 11:10, 2020.

▶ H. Yang, J. H. Won, I. Y. Choi, J. Woo, "A computational study to model the effect of electrode-to-auditory nerve fiber distance on spectral resolution in cochlear implant." PLoS One, 15.8: e0236784, 2020.

▶ K. Kim, J. Woo, "Prediction of watermelon sweetness using a reflected sound." J. the Korea Convergence Society, 11:8, 1-6, 2020.

▶ Y. Kim, J. Kwon, A. Yongtawee, J. Woo, M. Woo, "What does electroencephalography coherence tell us about memory encoding in adolescents at high risk of suicide." Psychopathology, 52:4, 265-270, 2019.

▶ H. Kim, Y. Na, J. Woo. "Study on Listening Efforts Based on Heart Rate Variability." J. Biomed. Eng. Res. 40:3, 75-80, 2019.

▶ VD. Tejani, CJ. Brown, PJ. Abbas, J. Woo. "An Improved Method of Obtaining Electrocochleography Recordings from Nucleus Hybrid Cochlear Implant users." Hearing Research, 373, 113-120, 2019.

▶ Y. Na, I. Y. Choi, DP. Jang, JK. Kang, J. Woo. "Semantic-hierarchical model improves classification of spoken-word evoked." J. Neurosci. Methods, 311:1, 253-258, 2019.

▶ C. Kim and J. Woo. "Comparison of smart watch based pulse rate variability with heart rate variability." J. Biomed. Eng. Res., 39:2, 87-93, 2018.

▶ S. Kang, J. Woo, H. Park, CJ. Brown, Sh. Hong, IJ. Moon. "Objective Test of Cochlear Dead Region: Electrophysiologic Approach using Acoustic Change Complex." Scientific Reports, 8:1, 3645, 2018.

▶ Y. Kim, J. Woo, M. Woo. "Effects of Stress. And Task Difficulty on Working Memory and Cortical Networking." Perceptual and Motor Skills, 124:6, 1194-1210, 2017.

▶ H. S. Joo, HS. AnH, J. Lee, DP. Jang, JK. Kang, J. Woo. "Spectral Analysis of Acceleration Data for Detection of Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures." Sensors 17:3, 481, 2017.

▶ H. Yang, S. An, J. Jeong, I. Y. Choi, J. Woo. "Automatic directional gain control for binaural hearing aids using geomagnetic sensors." J. Biomed. Eng. Res., 37:6, 209-214, 2016.

▶ H. Yang, JH. Won, S. Kang, IJ. Moon, Sh. Hong, J. Woo. "Prediction of vowel identification for cochlear implant using a computational model." Speech Communication 85, 19-28, 2016.

▶ MS. Hedrick, IJ. Moon, J. Woo, JH. Won. "Effects of Physiological Internal Noise on Model Predictions of Concurrent Vowel Identification for Normal-Hearing Listeners." PLoS One 11.2: e0149128, 2016.

▶ MB. Kim, HY. Shim, SH. Jin, S. Kang, J. Woo, JC. Han, et al. "Cross-Modal and Intra-Modal Characteristics of Visual Function and Speech Perception Performance in Postlingually Deafened, Cochlear Implant Users." PLoS One 11.2: e0148466, 2016.

▶ H. Jung, M. Woo, J. Woo. "The difference of non-verbal intelligence and cortical networking according to physical fitness: analysis of EEG coherence." Korean J. Sport Psychology, 26:4, 97-110, 2015.

▶ JH. Won, IJ. Moon, S. Jin, H. Park, J. Woo, YS. Cho, WH. Chung, Sh. Hong. "Spectrotemporal Modulation Detection and Speech Perception by Cochlear Implant Users." PLoS One. 10.10: e0140920, 2015.

▶ H. Yang and J. Woo. "Effect of axon diameter and electrode position on responses to sinusoidally amplitude-modulated electric pulse-train stimuli." Biomed. Eng. Lett., 5:2, 124-130, 2015.

▶ S. Kang, T. Chwodhury, IJ. Moon, Sh. Hong, HJ. Yang, JH. Won, J. Woo. "Effects of electrode position on spatiotemporal auditory nerve fiber responses: a 3D computational model study." Comput. Math. Methods Med., vol. 2015, 934382, 13, 2015.

▶ JH. Won, EI. Humphery, KR. Yeager, AA. Martinez, CH. Robinson, KE. Mils, PM. Johnstone, IJ. Moon, J. Woo. "Relationship among the physiologic channel interactions, spectral-ripple discrimination, and vowel identification in cochlear implant users." J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136:4, 2014.

▶ Y. Na, H. S. Joo, HJ. Yang, S. Kang, S. Hong, J. Woo. "Smartphone-Based Hearing Screening in Noisy Environments." Sensors, 14:6, 10346-10360, 2014.

▶ S. Kang, J. Woo. "Development of 3D cochlear model to evaluate ECAP." J. Institute of Electronics Eng. Korea., 50:6, 1603-1609, 2013.

▶ HJ. Yang, J. Woo. "Evaluation of Stimulus Strategy for Cochlear Implant Using Neurogram." J. Korean Biomed. Eng. Res., 34:2, 47-54, 2013.

▶ HJ. Yang, J. Woo. "Study on Electric Stimulus Pattern in Cochlear Implant Using a Computer Model." J. Institute of Electronics Eng. Korea., 49:12,1107-1113, 2012.

▶ JR. Kim, BS. Shin, SW. Jeong, J. Woo, LS Kim. "The Relationship between Thresholds of Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential and Speech Perception in Children with Cochlear Implants." Korean J. Otolaryngol., 54:10, 688-692, 2011.

▶ CA. Miller, J. Woo, PJ. Abbas, N. Hu, BK. Robinson. "Neural masking by sub-threshold electric stimuli: animal and computer model results." J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., 12:2, 219-232, 2011.

▶ N. Hu, CA. Miller, PJ. Abbas, BK. Robinson, J. Woo. "Changes in auditory nerve responses across the duration of sinusoidally amplitude modulated electric pulse-train stimuli." J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., 11:4, 641-656, 2010.

▶ J. Woo, CA. Miller, PJ. Abbas. "The dependence of auditory nerve rate adaptation on electric stimulus parameters, electrodeposition, and fiber diameter: a computer model study." J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., 11:2, 283-296, 2010.

▶ J. Woo, Y. Chee. "Current and future technologies for a gastrointestinal endoscopy." J. Biomed. Eng. Res., 31:5, 335-343, 2010.

▶ J. Woo, CA. Miller, PJ. Abbas. "Biophysical model of an auditory nerve fiber with novel adaptation component." IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 56:9, 2177-2180, 2009.

▶ J. Woo, CA. Miller, PJ. Abbas. "Simulation of the electrically stimulated cochlear neuron: modeling adaptation to trains of electric pulses." IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 56:5,1348-1359, 2009.

▶ WH. Chung, KR. Kim, YS. Cho, DY. Cho, J. Woo, ZY. Ryoo, KI. Cho, Sh. Hong. "Cochlear pathology of the circling mouse: a new mouse model of DFNB6." Acta Oto-laryngol., 127, 244-251, 2007.

▶ J. Woo, CA. Miller, PJ. Abbas, Sh. Hong, IY. Kim. "Improved noise reduction in single fiber auditory neural responses using template subtraction." J. Neurosci. Meth., 155:2, 319-327, 2006. 2007.

▶ HY. Shim, J. Woo, YJ. Sung, SM. Lee, IY. Kim, YS. Cho, WH. Chung, Sh. Hong. "Evaluation of the bilirubin ototoxicity using ABR and DPOAE in Jaundiced gunn rats." Korean J. Otolaryngol., 48, 443-448, 2005.

▶ J. Woo, SM. Lee, Sh. Hong, YJ. Sung, SK. Park, YH. Lee, IY. Kim, SI. Kim. "The comparison of 4 channel auditory brainstem response for tracking auditory neuro-pathway." J. Biomed. Eng. Res., 25, 195-200, 2004.